Baju muslim modern Nixie set by Efandoank
Retail 240.000
Resel 210.000
Ready 6 agustus
(Blouse n Pashmina) : Simply n Daily wear set,Blouse cantik berbahan Mosch crepe polos mix bahan Baby terry motif stripe,kancing depan ( busui friendly) ,panjang -+ 90cm, LD -+ 104cm + Simply pashmina,perbaduan bahan Mosch crepe mix babyterry motif,All size fit to XL std, ( 4 wrna cantik)
Retail 240.000
Resel 210.000
Ready 6 agustus
(Blouse n Pashmina) : Simply n Daily wear set,Blouse cantik berbahan Mosch crepe polos mix bahan Baby terry motif stripe,kancing depan ( busui friendly) ,panjang -+ 90cm, LD -+ 104cm + Simply pashmina,perbaduan bahan Mosch crepe mix babyterry motif,All size fit to XL std, ( 4 wrna cantik)